Our Mission

To strengthen the work of God in the Bay Area by raising up leaders through our Pastoral Residency Program and strengthening existing pastors through our Pastoral Cohorts.

BASOM is pleased to announce that we have formed a partnership with Kairos University, one of the largest and most diverse accredited systems of competency-based theological education in the world. This partnership allows BASOM to leverage most aspects of Kairos while continuing to be our own separate legal entity with our own governance. Through our partnership with Kairos, our Pastoral Residents will be able to enter a bachelors, masters, or doctoral program during their residency at a fraction of the cost of traditional seminaries. Learn more about Kairos at kairos.edu.

Recent Blog Posts

Fifty Years of Faithfulness

April 9th, 2024|0 Comments

I’m a part of a generation called “Baby Boomers.” I recently read an interesting statistic about us Boomers. According the Barna group, 31% of us attended church regularly prior to 2020, but only 22% kept attending post-pandemic.

Why I Still Go To Church?

January 22nd, 2024|0 Comments

I’m a part of a generation called “Baby Boomers.” I recently read an interesting statistic about us Boomers. According the Barna group, 31% of us attended church regularly prior to 2020, but only 22% kept attending post-pandemic.

A Shepherd’s Christmas

December 18th, 2023|0 Comments

Every year as the Christmas season unfolds and churches gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus, pastors and ministry leaders, myself included, find ourselves navigating the tension of embracing the essence of the season- the birth of Jesus, while also balancing the additional work of managing services, programs and additional end of the year tasks and to-dos.